Monday 7 November 2011

Requiem for a Dream

Darren Aronofsky's critically acclaimed 'Requiem for a Dream' is a story about addiction and its effect on different people. The film follows four characters all with addictions and portrays the deterioration of the human body in a shockingly realistic manner. Jared Leto is excellent as the lead character, Harry Goldfarb, and seems to portray his character's desperation with ease. His addiction to heroin is brutal and is slowly taking over his life, we immediately sympathize with his mother as he continues to steal from her to pay for his habits. Ellen Burstyn is excellent in her role as the mother, her own addiction to speed via diet pills leads to her being taken to a mental hospital. Aronofsky has perfectly captured her slow decline and throughout the film we can see  her lose her mind which is excellent cinema. Although I feel she is excellent in her role, I did get annoyed by her voice which became more and more whiny as the film went on. She is also good in the Exorcist as the mother, and looks a bit like nurse Ratchet in 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest'.

The editing in this film is brilliant especially the scenes which depict heroin use, the fast paced cuts display the serenity and despair from injecting heroin. Below is a video which shows the quick paced editing, I really liked how seamless the cuts are and it helps the audience understand the nature of addiction.The scenes with Mrs Goldfarb also shows good editing as the director attempts to show how strung out she is. The famous song used is very effective, it is desperate and dramatic, and perfectly fitting to addiction and the relating struggles.

Other actors in the film are Marlon Wayans who plays Harry's friend and 'business' partner, he fits his role well and is perhaps his best performance. Jennifer Connelly is brilliant in her role as Harry's girlfriend, we see her character at some real low points especially the uncomfortable sex scene in which she is surrounded by a variety of men. The audience really sympathizes with her as she performs different acts to earn money to pay for her habit. In his first starring performance Jared Leto really stands out, his previous appearances in American Psycho and Fight Club are good but his portrayal of Harry Goldfarb shows his ability as an actor. Should definitely stick to acting over singing, 30 Seconds to Mars are useless.

This film is definitely in my top 10 favourite films. The editing is seamless and mixed with the cinematography and individual performances results in a great movie. Darren Aronofsky has made several good films including the Wrestler and Black Swan, both dark films with interesting plots.

Sunday 6 November 2011

Top 10 Favourite Actors

Here is a list of my top 10 favourite actors, a list much harder than I thought it would be as I had to leave some out.. I was planning to do it in order but I couldn't stop arguing with myself, so to avoid confrontation this is just the top 10..

Tom Hanks

There is several reasons why he is included in this list: Saving Private Ryan, Toy Story, Forrest Gump, The Green Mile, Cast Away, and Big. Such a versatile actor, also great in the Terminal. Had some flops though, as much as I loved the books I dislike the Da Vinci Code movie, and also the Polar Express was rubbish.

Samuel L Jackson

His inclusion in this list could be down to Pulp Fiction alone, however he has also been good in Jackie Brown, Black Snake Moan, Deep Blue Sea, and Unthinkable. It is also exciting to see him play Nick Fury with cameos in Iron Man, Thor and Captain America...The Avengers film is shaping up nicely.

Robert De Niro

The master himself, incredible performance in Taxi Driver, and more than honourable mentions in Raging Bull, Goodfellas, the Godfather pt 2, and Everybody's Fine. Love his on screen antics with Ben Stiller in Meet the Parents, not so sure about the sequels though..

Johnny Depp

Where to start, so many good films starring Mr Depp. His collaborations with Tim Burton have resulted in some excellent films: Edward Scissorhands, Ed Wood, and Sweeney Todd. He was also brilliant in Blow and Fear and Loathing which makes me excited for the upcoming 'Rum Diary' a film adaptation by the great Hunter S. Thompson. Pirates of the Caribbean is becoming a joke, there's only so many sequels you can make...or is there. ££

Kevin Spacey

Possibly my favourite actor on this list and definitely the creepiest. He is fantastic in Seven, the Usual Suspects and American Beauty. Also very good at impressions if you want to hunt down the clip of him on the TV show: 'In the Actors Studio'.

Sir Michael Caine

Made so many films, he is like the Stones: alot of good stuff and alot of rubbish. Quality in the Italian Job, Get Carter, the Dark Knight, the Prestige and Children of Men. Of course his cameo in Austin Powers is hilarious as well, just a shame he agreed to do Miss Congeniality and Bewitched?! ££

Joseph Gordon Levitt

One of the best up and coming actors, good in Brick, Inception and 500 Days of Summer. Watch Mysterious Skin as well, its a very good film but be warned extremely uncomfortable to watch!

Brad Pitt

As annoying as people may find him, it is hard to argue with his record in films. Unbelievable in Fight Club. Also very good in Seven, Twelve Monkeys, the Oceans series, and Inglorious Basterds. Very good portrayal of a pikey in Snatch as well, he was one of the first names on this list.

Mr Jack Nicholson

Perhaps best known for his performance in the Shining, he is also very good in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Anger Management, and the Departed. Excellent to see him alongside Morgan Freeman in the Bucket List, although the film wasn't his greatest. Heeeeeere's Jacky..

Morgan Freeman AKA God

His portrayal of God in Bruce Almighty stopped me from being an Atheist, enough said. The Shawshank Redemption, Seven, and Lucky Number Slevin are all great films. He has possibly the greatest voice in the world, although David Attenbrough follows closely. .

That's the 10 if my maths serves me well, had to miss out a few : Edward Norton, Al Pacino, Clint Eastwood, Denzel Washington, Anthony Hopkins could have all made the list and im sure I have forgotten some others...Let me know who you think!

Pulp Fiction

Might as well start with my favourite film! Pulp Fiction is directed by Quentin Tarantino, a film-maker who has directed many good films such as 'Jackie Brown' and 'Inglorious Basterds'. That's not to say he hasn't made some bad ones, you only have to watch 'Death Proof' for confirmation. Tarantino has become known for his depiction of violence and you will not be disappointed with Pulp Fiction. I feel that the violence shown is realistic and is all a reaction to a previous event. Whether it be Vincent Vega's death to the hilarious accidental shooting of Marvin, violence is rife throughout.

Upon opening at the sun dance film awards a man actually had a stroke during the showing, this was due to low sugar levels but that did little to hinder Tarantino's excitement. This can be seen on the DVD extras if anyone wants to see his reaction. The film in itself is a masterpiece, split up into three different acts Tarantino has basically done three different stories which all interlink. Marcellus Wallace's henchmen, played by the great Samuel L Jackson and the moderately great John Travolta, are amazing characters which have great scenes of dialogue. There are countless occasions where big Sam goes off on a monologue which is humorous, gripping even emotional at times. Possibly the coolest man in the world, I rate his performance in this film as one of the best I have seen.

We also meet Marcellus Wallace's wife played by Uma Thurman, surprisingly I only find her attractive in this and Kill Bill, must be down to Tarantino's direction. Other characters include 'pumpkin' and 'honey bunny', two wannabe thieves played by Tim Roth and Amanda Plummer, who are both fantastic in their roles. The video below is also possibly my favourite opening to a film ever bar maybe the opening to reservoir dogs for its pure style.

We are also shown Butch Coolidge and his amazing French wife, played by Bruce Willis and his amazing French wife. Top performance from him as someone other than John McClane! There are a couple of brilliant cameos in Pulp Fiction, the GREAT Christopher Walken is hilarious as Butch's Dads friend. Harvey Keitel as Mr Wolf, its a shame we don't see more of his character as he is excellent. Finally of course Tarantino himself plays Jimmy, Jules's strung out friend who aids them in their time of need, surprisingly a good actor despite his apparent excitable nature.

I urge anyone who hasn't seen this film to watch it, it truly is one of the best film made in the last 20 years possibly ever depending on your tastes. That is of course just my opinion and I might be wrong, although I don't think I am...