Sunday 6 November 2011

Pulp Fiction

Might as well start with my favourite film! Pulp Fiction is directed by Quentin Tarantino, a film-maker who has directed many good films such as 'Jackie Brown' and 'Inglorious Basterds'. That's not to say he hasn't made some bad ones, you only have to watch 'Death Proof' for confirmation. Tarantino has become known for his depiction of violence and you will not be disappointed with Pulp Fiction. I feel that the violence shown is realistic and is all a reaction to a previous event. Whether it be Vincent Vega's death to the hilarious accidental shooting of Marvin, violence is rife throughout.

Upon opening at the sun dance film awards a man actually had a stroke during the showing, this was due to low sugar levels but that did little to hinder Tarantino's excitement. This can be seen on the DVD extras if anyone wants to see his reaction. The film in itself is a masterpiece, split up into three different acts Tarantino has basically done three different stories which all interlink. Marcellus Wallace's henchmen, played by the great Samuel L Jackson and the moderately great John Travolta, are amazing characters which have great scenes of dialogue. There are countless occasions where big Sam goes off on a monologue which is humorous, gripping even emotional at times. Possibly the coolest man in the world, I rate his performance in this film as one of the best I have seen.

We also meet Marcellus Wallace's wife played by Uma Thurman, surprisingly I only find her attractive in this and Kill Bill, must be down to Tarantino's direction. Other characters include 'pumpkin' and 'honey bunny', two wannabe thieves played by Tim Roth and Amanda Plummer, who are both fantastic in their roles. The video below is also possibly my favourite opening to a film ever bar maybe the opening to reservoir dogs for its pure style.

We are also shown Butch Coolidge and his amazing French wife, played by Bruce Willis and his amazing French wife. Top performance from him as someone other than John McClane! There are a couple of brilliant cameos in Pulp Fiction, the GREAT Christopher Walken is hilarious as Butch's Dads friend. Harvey Keitel as Mr Wolf, its a shame we don't see more of his character as he is excellent. Finally of course Tarantino himself plays Jimmy, Jules's strung out friend who aids them in their time of need, surprisingly a good actor despite his apparent excitable nature.

I urge anyone who hasn't seen this film to watch it, it truly is one of the best film made in the last 20 years possibly ever depending on your tastes. That is of course just my opinion and I might be wrong, although I don't think I am...

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